SGI Hot Mix 8
Hot Mix 8.iso
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Text File
411 lines
1) Section I - Outlines the contents of this directory.
2) Section II - Instructions for running CHANCE'S ART.
3) Section III - A brief overview of CHANCE'S ART.
4) Section IV - How to modify CHANCE'S ART to allow VERY
LONG FILM STRIPS to be generated.
I Directory Contents:
An overview of the complete directory tree structure.
2) ca
These are command scripts, any one of which will run
the CHANCE'S ART package (contained in ./bin). These
files each reference their own resource file in the
./config/res directory. The resource files differ in
only one way: they each present a slightly different
GUI appearance, in which the resource file colors are
changed. Thus the resource file ./config/res/Imf.teal
is used by the command script ./ca.teal. The ca.x res
has a larger Photo Mode color palette than the others.
To get going quickly, just use the ca command script
and only install your PASSWORD in the resource file:
4) See README in this directory for an overview of the
file directory structure and contents.
II Execution Instructions:
1) To run the package, you will need a password. There are
several classes of machine specific password available:
- a free 30-day demo password, in which some
functionality has been disabled;
- a full functionality, 30-day trial license,
for which there is a modest license fee
(100% deductible from the full price);
- an open-ended, full functionality license.
2) To obtain a password, you will need to provide IAI with
a machine ID number. This is easily obtained by simply
attempting to run the command script ca from this
directory. It will, after several seconds, fail and ask
you to get in touch with IAI. It will also display
your machine's ID, a hex string of 32 digits, grouped
into 4 blocks of 8-digits each.
3) When you receive your password (PASSW) from IAI, you
will need to install it in at least one of the resource
files in the ./config/res directory. We suggest you use
the Imf.default resource file. Later, feel free to
insert the password in the other resource files and try
the other command scripts. Open Imf.default with your
favorite editor (jot is quite up to this trivial task)
and change the *password parameter, at the start of the
file, from:
*password: 12345678901234567879012
*password: PASSW (your 22 digit password)
Exit the editing session, saving your changes, and cd to
the CHANCE'S ART root directory.
4) The iai binary file is in the bin directory:
5) Run CHANCE'S ART by either:
a) Typing into the root of the CHANCE'S ART
directory tree structure, in a shell window:
(Which is the same as ca.default)
b) Opening a WorkSpace directory window into the
root of the CHANCE'S ART directory tree
structure and using the mouse to double click
on the ca command script (or on ca.default).
5) From this point on, you can obtain user help from:
a) the ONLINE HELP text windows, which are
available from the Help buttons in the various
GUI windows and dialog boxes;
b) the hard copy USER MANUAL, shipped with 30-day
or unlimited licenses;
c) the "Package Overview" section below, which
summarizes a few basic ideas that might prove
helpful in getting you started.
III Package Overview:
1) The package opens by presenting you with a Work Window.
There are two classes of windows in CA:
- Work Windows (WW), used for generating images;
- Film Strip Windows (FS), used for storing and
retrieving images. A Film Strip can contain one
or more "frames". The metaphor of a film strip allows
storage of unrelated images (a slide collection) or
of frames from an animated sequence (a movie clip).
You are free to have many Work Windows and Film Strips open
simultaneously, limited only by RAM (swapping overheads) and
processing power (multiple images computed at once will
generate proportionally slower).
A new WORK WINDOW can be opened at any time:
- from a Film Strip Window:
"Create Work Window" from the "File" PullDowm Menu;
- from a Work Window:
"Create Work Window" from the "Windows" PullDowm Menu;
A new FILM STRIP WINDOW can be opened at any time:
- from a Film Strip Window:
"Create Film Strip..." from the "File" PullDowm Menu;
- from a Work Window:
"Create Film Strip..." from the "Windows" PullDowm
2) Work Windows. Two types of Dialog Box offer the primary
means to control the image in a Work Window. These are
obtained from the "Edit" PullDown Menu
- "Equation..."
Equation Dialog Box (there is one for each open
Work Window). This is used to choose an equation
and then select the various control parameters;
- "Colors..."
Color Editing Dialog Box (there is one for each
open Work Window). This is used to edit an image's
colors, either through the color map or by actually
changing pixel values in an image.
3) Film Strip Windows.
- Playback Windows (one for each open Film Strip),
used as a kind of virtual video player, to enable
the frames in a Film Strip to be played back as
a movie. There are controls for playback rate and
direction, as well as image size.
- Interpolation for animation is performed in several
steps, using commands in the "Animation" PullDown
a) "Create Interpolation..." brings up a Dialog Box
which lets you select:
- the number of frames to interpolate
between the selected "initial Key Frame"
(outlined in red) and the "final Key Frame";
- the number of Repeat Frames (usually 1);
- the Type of interpolation (5 Types are
currently available and the default is
Linear interpolation).
b) "Edit Interpolation..." simply re-opens Dialog Box
(a) at any later time.
c) "Expand Interpolation..." opens a new Film Strip
Window into which the interpolated icons will be
placed as they are computed. In the DEMO version
of the package, the ability to recompute a strip
of icons as arbitrarily large images is disabled.
4) The number of possible images that CHANCE'S ART can produce
is unlimited. Since some of the infinite number of possible
images are more aesthetically interesting than others, a
database of possible images has been created to quickly get
you started on your explorations. This database consists of
a set of 19 image catalogs stored as Film Strips pairs in
the directory structure:
In any of these 19 directories there will be two Film Strips,
for example, in ./catalogs/EQN_07 there are two film strips
that can be accessed from the "Load Film Strip..." command in
the "Windows" PullDown Menu of any Work Window or from the
"Load Film Strip..." command in the "File" PullDown Menu of
any Film Strip Window:
To get any image icon in a Film Strip to compute in a Work
Window, just select it with the MIDDLEMOUSE button and
Drag & Drop it from the Film Strip to the selected Work
Window. Open an "Equation..." Dialog Box to change the
geometry or parameters of the image; open a "Colors..."
Dialog Box to edit the colors. In the DEMO version, the
maximum size of an image is limited to 640 x 480 pixels.
Be careful to specify the full filepath when you perform
a "Save As..." command under the File PullDown Menu in
a Film Strip, otherwise your Film Strip files will all
end up in the directory from which you launched the
application! This, of course, does not apply to DEMO
versions, which cannot Save a Film Strip.
4) To exercise all the capabilities of CHANCE'S ART, you
will require a FULL (NON-DEMO) version of the package.
This will provide the following additional features:
- Save command for Film Strips;
- computation of images and movie sequences at
resolutions as high as 10,240 x 8,192;
- preset film & video aspect ratios;
Purchasers of the Unlimited License will also receive a
user manual and a tape with a much larger image data base.
The latter contains over 1,500 precomputed starting points
for exploring the infinite variety of images that can be
created using CHANCE'S ART!
5) Future releases will contain enhancements, several of
which are directed towards textile applications, such as:
- repeat pattern capability built-in (at present, this
can be done using scripts built on 4Dgifts routines,
ipaste, snapshot, etc).
- additional mathematical controls and new algorithms;
- use of 8 and 12 bit color spaces for color editing,
for instantaneous, single-hue changes via the color
- silk-screen simulation previewing.
This is the same information as can be found in the Help Pulldown
Menu in any Film Strip Window.
1) Limits on the Maximum Number of Windows
The default limit to the number of GL Windows which can
be opened at once is currently set in the Resource file,
in /usr/tmp/ca/config/res/Imf.default, to 118. Due to the
ease with which recent SGI models can exceed this value,
the next release will remove this limitation altogether.
For this release, there are several ways to increase this
limit, given below in 4.2.
Be aware that in this release, if you run MULTIPLE instances
of CHANCE'S ART simultaneously, when one instance attempts
to open more GL windows (typically, by creating new Film
Strip frames), if the total number of GL Windows open by ALL
GL applications exceeds the current system limit, that
instance will simply abort. The solution, if you are
displaying over 100 frames in your open Film Strip Windows,
is to only have a single instance of CHANCE'S ART open. A
single running copy will correctly estimate when you are
near the limit and warn you with a non-fatal message.
2) Changing the Maximum Number of Windows
SGI sets a parameter in the system which limits the number
of GL windows that can be open at a given moment. This value
varies across platforms and across the various releases of
IRIX. It is typically either set to 128 or 256. Accordingly,
CHANCE'S ART currently assumes a conservative value of 128
and sets the limit to be 118 (to allow for a few other GL
applications to have open windows).
To find out what the actual limits are on your machine, set
yourself up as the super user and look for a system file
called "rrm". The pathname varies from system to system,
some possible locations being:
Use the find command ("find / -name rrm -print") to locate
your copy of "rrm". If you cat this file, you will find that
the rrm_maxrn parameter is defined to be either 128 or 256
on your system:
#define rrm_maxrn 128
#define rrm_maxrn 256
If it is 128, then you cannot use the "Resource File" fix,
in Section 4.2.1 below, to increase your GL windows limit;
in this case, look at Section 4.2.2 below.
a) Changing your Resource File GL WINDOWS LIMIT
If the value of rrm_maxrn is 256, then you can more than
double your Open Windows limit simply by changing the
in the resource file "/usr/tmp/ca/config/res/Imf.default",
from 118 to 146.
b) Changing your System's Internal GL WINDOWS LIMIT
If the value of rrm_maxrn is 128, OR if you need to open
MORE than 246 frames at one time, then you must reset the
system parameter rrm_maxrn itself. This entails FOUR steps:
1) Edit the parameter rrm_maxrn in the line
#define rrm_maxrn 128 /* or 256 */
from 128 (or 256) to 256 (or whatever you deem
appropriate). To do so will require superuser
2) From the superuser account, execute the autoconfig
command to recompile the Kernel:
autoconfig -vf
3) When (2) is complete, reboot the system to pick up
the new value you have just installed.
4) Edit your CHANCE'S ART Resource file(s) and change
the parameter
from 118 to 246 (or to a number at least 10 less
than the value that you have just installed in
You should now be back in business!